Thursday 27 June 2013

The new criminal rules for workplace compliance

Since 2001 all businesses come under the Criminal Code and compliance with requirements of various government departments is mandatory. Even more daunting is the fact that you are now obliged to know all the rules or be criminally liable if an accident happens as there is a presumption of guilt if companies cannot demonstrate ‘a culture of compliance’. Here are some examples.

  • You are obliged to provide staff, customers and visitors with a safe environment.
  • It is a criminal act to behave in way a court might decide is ‘misleading and deceptive’.
  • You can be held responsible for the performance of the products you have sold or work you’ve done. Worse you can be sued (or even jailed) if someone using your product is injured or killed even though you know the product is perfectly safe when properly operated.

Four simple tips can help keep you clear of the courts and sleep soundly at night...

The most important defence in creating a safe environment is to show you took ‘timely & reasonable’ steps to avoid the possibility of an accident.  Make sure your factory, office or shop has relevant signs or stickers to warn where there is a potential risk of a fall or an accident. It works and is cheaper than lawyers and can keep you out of jail.

In you sell products that can be dangerous when not properly operated have a video made and put online so that you can demonstrate that you took reasonable steps to show the correct way to operate and maintain them.

Regularly review the various areas of risk and compliance with staff. As the owner and/or manager YOU have a duty to ensure they are fully aware of the exposure to potential criminal charges. Experience suggests a company found to commit a breach of the law may face lower penalties. Take out some form of Directors insurance, even though the cover may not be comprehensive.

It is also a good idea to have ready names of qualified business advisers that can guide you through the maze of compliance.

Where is small and medium size business most at risk? Experience suggests it is in the areas workplace health and safety, and damage to the environment. Remember correct signage and easy access to relevant information is the first step to avoid costly litigation or even worse, a tragedy that will scar you forever.

BlueCrystal Creative media & design  
Brisbane Australia,  Ph 0418 752 103
Affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Custom Safety Stickers a wise investment

 Custom Safety Stickers by BlueCrystal Creative is a wise investment

With OH&S and Compliance issues being what they are, FUZZY! it doesn't cost much to cover yourself in case of liabilities. 

BlueCrystal Creative experience in creating custom industrial warning has labels that help ensure dangers are displayed and your obligations as a director or manager are met.

 The average cost of Workplace Accidents

We have wide ranging industrial experience and are fully capable of reading electrical schematics and hydraulic flowcharts. We can create  labels that correctly translate the danger or personal obligation to the user.

Read and understand operating manual & instructions before using this machine
Custom safety labels are a  cost effective and a prudent  way to protect yourself
With a full range of design and production capabilities, BlueCrystal Creative has the proven ability to design, produce and supply almost any safety sign, safety label needed.

Our experienced designer can create to your exact requirements so that the message is accurately communicated, reducing risk, protecting people from harm and protecting yourself from liabilities. 

BlueCrystal Creative media & design  
Brisbane Australia,  Ph 0418 752 103
Affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.


Thursday 18 April 2013

When getting new signage, do you consider the whole building and its environment?

How often when renewing or getting new signage for your business do you consider the whole building and its environment?   At BlueCrystal Creative we often have people coming to us, seeking new or upgraded signage for their business without even considering the building or street it's going to be seen in!

Before you start your signage review, take a photo of the outside of your building, stand and truly look what the oncoming traffic can really see.   Do plants, or other signs predominantly fill the environment, can you make out the shape of the building from the street?  Take a moment to try and view the building actually as a first time client does, OK now consider what colours in your logo pallet could be used to contrast you business against the background, in some cases by choosing one of your logo's stronger colours and repainting the entire building in just that colour, a much smaller sign can be used to even greater effect, because the whole building now acts as a logo.  You  often see this used to great effect by major chain operations, you can drive along a busy street and see the whole building painted in their corporate colour and recognise it instantly

A second advantage of using the corporate colour, is that it's  the equivalent of adding white space around the logo which in a visually confusing street can add a great deal of clarity

If you would like to find out about how to use you're building for best effect call us at BlueCrystal Creative today and ask us about the science of Business signs

BlueCrystal Creative ~
Quality signs for your small business

BlueCrystal Creative media & design  
Brisbane Australia,  Ph 0418 752 103
Affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.


Sunday 14 April 2013

The Friends of my customers are my customers

The Friends of my customers are my customers

When Ford (USA) launched its
Explorer SUV video via Facebook last year,
it was more effective than a Super Bowl ad,
guess the cost of 30sec Super Bowl time.

QUICK STATS Fords Explorer facebook page got 232,556 likes & 2,786 on share's (people talking about it)  In plain english that means is nearly a quarter of a million people acknowledged liking the product
shared with there friends and 2,786 went even further by activity promoting the product.

Lets compare that
  • Mainstream media, in a city of 2~2.5 million, where just under 10% of the population is interested in the product (232,556 people) and watched the TV advertisement, and being traditional broadcast if you are trying to reach other city's you double, triple your cost (or more) Also once your purchased block of air time is gone, it's gone
  • Social Media = All of the above with out the cost, Oh did I mention that's this is world wide and 24/7 and will be available for years   
- If you produced a funny, informative or captivating video then
- placed it on your companies facebook page
- then of your 20 "friends" "Liked" it and put it on their Facebook page
- that alone has increased your website link back right there
- then those 20 peoples video posts were seen by 220 their friends
- now that one video explains your product has the possibility of being seen by
- 8000 people looking at it that way maybe videos not that expensive after all

 QUICK STATS - The average number of friends a person has on Facebook 229

Video on your website can increase page retention time by 300%

BlueCrystal Creative media & design  
Brisbane Australia,  Ph 0418 752 103
Affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

Visit our sister company for affordable video production

Thursday 14 March 2013

Advertising as you know it is dead

 Advertising as you know it is dead

Over the years I've worked in or on almost every form of advertising TV, newspapers, want-a-be agency's, signs, corporate multi-nationals, recording studios, publishing, flags & banners - and only thing I can tell you as an absolute certainty is. . .

Advertising as you know it is dead 

Just think how much the world has changed in the last five years, the exponential growth of the Internet, social networks, YouTube.  The explosion of tablet's, smart phone's and web enabled to televisions in to the home, honestly when was the last time you bought a newspaper, It's all iPads and smart phone's now.

And it's only likely to get worse remember the family sitting around the TV as little as five years ago today most likely everyone in your house is watching a different show/video/game some of then not even available in Australia as a matter of fact YouTube itself estimates that 90% of all web traffic will be VIDEO by 2014

So let's stop and look at what your options are today if you spent $2000 on advertising On TV even with out production costs it's gone in 30 to 60 seconds and that's a non-prime on time slot

On radio depending on market and station it's gone in anywhere from a day to week-and-a-half

Bet you cash on a newspaper it's gone in a week or maybe just a one day on a weekend

In Yellow Pages it's gone in year and that's not a big add

Now where starting to get some return for our outlay, build a cheep website and maybe that will be good for 3 to 6 years, as long as your writing a little new content now and then.

Signs give a good return and have a life of perhaps five to 7 years, signs work well for business who's customers are in the local area.

But if you have the right type of video content online it can still be working for you 10 years or maybe 20 years later, for example if you sell playgrounds a video on how to choose, site, build & maintain you playground will be relevant for years, if you sell wholesale food stuffs recipes and storage tips will be usable for years.  And because it's on Youtube once the production is complete it's free for all those 10 years, it increases your SEO and builds your business's on-line brand and most importantly provides your customers with information the really want

So you have a clear choice to make, stay with TV, radio & newspapers, or give me a call and let me show you how a mix of video, social networks, can be no more expensive.

I'm Peter FitzGerald from BlueCrystal Creative and we do YouTube for Business

BlueCrystal Creative, Graphic design & Sign company offering; Signwriting, Print and Graphic Design, Typesetting, Flags and Banners, Sell on-hold, Jingles, video production and Audio Recording, we are located in south east Queensland Australia, between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, please call 0418 752 103 we offer affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

My Video Show Reel Feb2012~Feb2013

BlueCrystal Creative's new video show reel Feb2012~Feb2013 

I’ve uploaded to YouTube my new video show reel Feb2012~Feb2013 which features a selection of clips from some of my recent 20+ videos in the last 12 months, the show reel highlights of my work as film maker, cameraman and editor as well as a little animation. Thought you might like to see it.

Thanks, Peter FitzGerald from
BlueCrystal Creative and
we do YouTube for Business

BlueCrystal Creative, Graphic design & Sign company offering; Signwriting, Print and Graphic Design, Typesetting, Flags and Banners, Sell on-hold, Jingles, video production and Audio Recording, we are located in south east Queensland Australia, between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, please call 0418 752 103 we offer affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

Thursday 28 February 2013

NEW HD Video for RMP - Remote Maintenance Planner

NEW HD Trade Video for RMP - Remote Maintenance Planner

B & N Crane Repairs asked what was most important to owners and operators and have now developed RMP. Remote Maintenance Planner provides timely and accurate information for fleet owners directly from the unit. RMP provides the engine hrs that you need for precise servicing scheduling in near to real time, with email feedback reminders on when the next service is due, high or low battery voltages and what ever "Engine Topics or unit condition alerts you've configured the on board RTU to provide plus GPS tracking all in almost real time.

If you'd like to know more contact,
B&N Cranes for Repairs, Crane Servicing and Engineering
Office (07) 3265 1176 or Troy Hand: 0423 561 111

BlueCrystal Creative, Graphic design & Sign company offering; Signwriting, Print and Graphic Design, Typesetting, Flags and Banners, Sell on-hold, Jingles, video production and Audio Recording, we are located in south east Queensland Australia, between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, please call 0418 752 103 we offer affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

New website and 5 HD Videos for JPH Equipment

New website and 5 Videos for JPH Equipment

BlueCrystal Creative is very proud to announce the launch of the new JPH Equipment website and 5 Videos, Its been a very rewarding journey and I'm very proud of the result that we've achieved.

JPH Equipment sells an Australian built Windrow Turner that’s comparable to any Windrow Turner currently sold in the World. Available in 2 sizes: CT360 or CT270 (both towable) to ensure you have the right Windrow Turner for your Recycling/Composting Waste Management needs, and a range of other supporting products.    JPH Equipment's manufacturing division is a well established, reputable manufacturer who have been designing and building machinery for well over 25 years. Their speciality is designing machinery that is simple to use and operate but keeping in mind that each unit has to be durable too.  Their well equipped workshop utilises the latest engineering technology such as CNC machining and laser cutting etc. They have been supplying to markets across Australia and overseas.

Thanks to JPH Equipment

BlueCrystal Creative, Graphic design & Sign company offering; Signwriting, Print and Graphic Design, Typesetting, Flags and Banners, Sell on-hold, Jingles, video production and Audio Recording, we are located in south east Queensland Australia, between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, please call 0418 752 103 we offer affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

Congratulations to My Midwives Brisbane South

Congratulations to the girls at My Midwives Brisbane South for opening the new practice.

BlueCrystal Creative has just completed new signage for Melinda, Diane & Toni at MyMidwives Brisbane South, in Beenleigh.  The Girls provide pregnancy, labour, birth and post birth care to women and their families. 

BlueCrystal Creative, Graphic design & Sign company offering; Signwriting, Print and Graphic Design, Typesetting, Flags and Banners, Sell on-hold, Jingles, video production and Audio Recording, we are located in south east Queensland Australia, between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, please call 0418 752 103 we offer affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.