Sunday 14 April 2013

The Friends of my customers are my customers

The Friends of my customers are my customers

When Ford (USA) launched its
Explorer SUV video via Facebook last year,
it was more effective than a Super Bowl ad,
guess the cost of 30sec Super Bowl time.

QUICK STATS Fords Explorer facebook page got 232,556 likes & 2,786 on share's (people talking about it)  In plain english that means is nearly a quarter of a million people acknowledged liking the product
shared with there friends and 2,786 went even further by activity promoting the product.

Lets compare that
  • Mainstream media, in a city of 2~2.5 million, where just under 10% of the population is interested in the product (232,556 people) and watched the TV advertisement, and being traditional broadcast if you are trying to reach other city's you double, triple your cost (or more) Also once your purchased block of air time is gone, it's gone
  • Social Media = All of the above with out the cost, Oh did I mention that's this is world wide and 24/7 and will be available for years   
- If you produced a funny, informative or captivating video then
- placed it on your companies facebook page
- then of your 20 "friends" "Liked" it and put it on their Facebook page
- that alone has increased your website link back right there
- then those 20 peoples video posts were seen by 220 their friends
- now that one video explains your product has the possibility of being seen by
- 8000 people looking at it that way maybe videos not that expensive after all

 QUICK STATS - The average number of friends a person has on Facebook 229

Video on your website can increase page retention time by 300%

BlueCrystal Creative media & design  
Brisbane Australia,  Ph 0418 752 103
Affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.

Visit our sister company for affordable video production