Thursday 18 April 2013

When getting new signage, do you consider the whole building and its environment?

How often when renewing or getting new signage for your business do you consider the whole building and its environment?   At BlueCrystal Creative we often have people coming to us, seeking new or upgraded signage for their business without even considering the building or street it's going to be seen in!

Before you start your signage review, take a photo of the outside of your building, stand and truly look what the oncoming traffic can really see.   Do plants, or other signs predominantly fill the environment, can you make out the shape of the building from the street?  Take a moment to try and view the building actually as a first time client does, OK now consider what colours in your logo pallet could be used to contrast you business against the background, in some cases by choosing one of your logo's stronger colours and repainting the entire building in just that colour, a much smaller sign can be used to even greater effect, because the whole building now acts as a logo.  You  often see this used to great effect by major chain operations, you can drive along a busy street and see the whole building painted in their corporate colour and recognise it instantly

A second advantage of using the corporate colour, is that it's  the equivalent of adding white space around the logo which in a visually confusing street can add a great deal of clarity

If you would like to find out about how to use you're building for best effect call us at BlueCrystal Creative today and ask us about the science of Business signs

BlueCrystal Creative ~
Quality signs for your small business

BlueCrystal Creative media & design  
Brisbane Australia,  Ph 0418 752 103
Affordable and creative advertising and marketing solutions.