Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sometimes it's worth doing a job with no budget

At first glance, It seems simple enough 

The customer said “ I’ve got this idea that I'd like to show some improvements to Taxi's is specifically disabled taxi’s".     I want to show it at the Taxi Council conference in a few weeks. And over the next few days some random notes, bullet points and very rough pencil sketches turned up via email.  The curious little rabbit inside me couldn't let it go, I begin to research new taxi concepts and after spending days more time than I should have we came up with this. 

So, What did you think? 

Considering how little money that was in the job for what is entailed, I'm pleased with the basic outcome would have liked to have been able to spend a little bit more time and get more van renders.   My thanks to Chad Travis the 3D Artist that gave vision to this project and my mechanical consultant Ben koika and HÃ¥kan Eriksson for the wonderful music. 

Sometimes it's worth doing a job with not enough budget to try something new with out the responsibilities of meeting your client expectations I look forward to trying something new again. 

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog
I'm Peter Fitzgerald, Owner of BlueCrystalCreative
I provide Graphics, Advertising and Marketing Support for small business
with key strengths being Graphic Design and Video Production

Please feel free to give me a call on 0418752103
or visit

Beenleigh - Australia

Tuesday 7 July 2015

A cost effective promotional video, for JPH Equipment by BlueCrystal Creative

A cost effective video, done a few months ago for JPH Equipment of Kingston in Brisbane that video documents their desire to stay ahead of the latest in trends In agricultural equipment design from around the world.  The video was completed in under three days, including scripting and approvals.

I'm beginning to see a lot more videos taking the place of monthly or bi-monthly display advertising in industry magazines, Web video has the added bonus of still being visible on your website and to your customer many years after the initial production.

If you'd like to find out how BlueCrystal Creative can I help you reach your customers in a cost-effective manner, that generates enquiries and educate customers for years after the initial investment call Peter on 0418752103

JPH Equipment News Agromek 2014 .

 In November 2014 JPH Equipment managing director Jorgen Hansen travelled to the Agromek show in Denmark.  Agromek is Northern Europe's premier agricultural exposition and was attended by almost 50 thousand visitors all excited to see a record number of exhibitors showing the very latest in agricultural machinery, automation and technological innovation, with over 290 new products alone.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog I'm Peter Fitzgerald, Owner of BlueCrystal Creative
I produce Video and Graphics and
provide Advertising and Marketing Support for small business
Please feel free to give me a call on 0418752103  or visit 
Beenleigh - Australia

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Mobile users 45% of all web searches and growing

Mobile users are more than 45%
of all web searches and growing

 IS your site ready

There are some important new and major changes happening to the Google search code that will affect how your will be found.  As you have seen for yourself, surfing the web on mobile devices is no longer a growing trend – it's daily business reality. Google recently announced that starting April 21, there will be changes rolling out to their SEO ranking algorithm. 
The changes to the site ranking algorithm are; 
  1. Smartphone-friendly; With more than 40% of web sites visits done on smartphones, it is now critical have a smartphone-friendly version of your website, this is done by having a 2nd version of your site, that’s redesigned for mobile, hidden behind the normal desktop site that phones are redirected to and since it’s a separate set of pages, the options are unlimited, less text, no flash, smaller videos or even a completely different site structure.
  2. Client area / Localisation; This update goes hand in hand with the first, it aims to provide users entering localised search terms (such as ‘pubs in southport’ or ‘Beenleigh butchers’) with more accurate and useful results.
  3. Social Media, Blogs & Videos; Over the next 3-4 months social media will become even more of a ranking factor for Google, as it uses social media to work out what site are cool/important to real people. Combined with the opportunity to reach out and connect with your audience and increase your company visibility the need to be active on Social Media has grown immensely. & (2) (backlinks) ie: Links to your site from other sites, show that you have build relationships with your clients.  Theses links/post/videos etc are counted if they are from from relevant (to your business) and quality sites Google.
As you can see the first two of these changes ties directly into making the web more mobile/smartphone friendly, So summing up it's important to have:
* A mobile friendly upgrade to your site, (Mobile friendly menus, larger text etc)
* Clear Localisation, (where you are and operate)
* Quality social media posts creating backlinks from other sites
As mobile traffic continues to skyrocket, and attracting new clients becomes more important it’s critical to get on the right side of Google’s mobile SEO ranking algorithm. Google will start to penalize sites that make mobile browsing difficult and this change will have a significant impact in your sites search results VERY SOON.  

Call me to chat about the required changes you need to make

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog
I'm Peter Fitzgerald, Owner of BlueCrystalCreative
I provide Graphics, Advertising and Marketing Support for small business
with key strengths being Graphic Design and Video Production

Please feel free to give me a call on 0418752103
or visit

Beenleigh - Australia

Friday 13 March 2015

Have you given your customers anything for free lately?

 Have you given your customers anything for free lately?

I know that doesn't sound logical, you're in business to make money right.  But when you look at it from the other side of the table, the main reason you or anyone else browses the internet, calls or walks into a store is to find information.  And finding the right information and getting something for free will in most cases will give potential customers a better opinion of your business and your website. Do it often enough and people will start to think of you as a friend!

That's right I said friend when you're on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest or using Twitter - it's called social media for a reason, people (your customers) want to feel useful and involved.  By shareing something thats interesting, new or poorly understood on social media (your information), your customers can share with their friends and the rest of the world. WHY? It makes them (your customers) look good and feel involved, Best of all they know which of their friends are interested in your service business or product.  How good is it when your customers are selling your product or service for you, for free, on their own time, now you are correctly using social media.

It's important to understand that, Just pushing an typical advertising on social media is like somebody showing up at the door, trying to get you to change power suppliers at 6:30 on Tuesday evening, NOT GOOD ~ You where thinking along the lines of "Go away" but it probably took a bit longer to say.

Take the time, do it right and your customers will be selling your product or service for you, for free, on their own time.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog
I'm Peter Fitzgerald, Owner of BlueCrystalCreative
I provide Graphics, Advertising and Marketing Support for small business
with key strengths being Graphic Design and Video Production

Please feel free to give me a call on 0418752103
or visit

Beenleigh - Australia

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Do you customers always ask the same questions?

It doesn't matter what business you're in, there is always something that customers want to know, how does it work, how can I make it better, is there a cheaper/faster way to do it, there's dozens of questions that people want to know about your product, business, or your industry and guess who knows the answer; You Do! So why not tell them?

Take the time to make a fact sheet of those standard questions that you get asked all of the time ad some illustrations or photos whatever is needed, it dosen't have to be a work of art, because customers really want to know.

Once you've got it completed, pass it to your friendly local graphic artist for a touch of polish, then you can place your new article or flyer on your website, use it on your on your social media pages (Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook) or make it part of your monthly mail out. Your customers will Love it and in our lot of cases share it with friends because they really want to know what you know

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog
I'm Peter Fitzgerald, Owner of BlueCrystalCreative
I provide Graphics, Advertising and Marketing Support for small business
with key strengths being Graphic Design and Video Production

Please feel free to give me a call on 0418752103
or visit

Beenleigh - Australia