Sunday 1 March 2015

What have you done with your web site lately?

If you're like almost every other small business owner, You've got a website and that's great, I'm happy for you.  But when was the last time you updated it? Added a new item content, and then linked that content it to your social media?

Typically most small business websites are only updated sporadically and social media posts may happen a couple of times a year if you're lucky. I'm not just suggesting that you do this because it makes you look good,

Search engines (or at least the 80% that's Google) has changed how your website rankings are calculated, and that's important.  As of the last few updates, Google pays very little attention to the traditional things that it use to like "Meta tags" and "keywords" - the thing that count the most at the moment is real content - real stories - real pictures, REAL things that real people want to know and share.

Sadly going from scratching your head and changing a few keywords to actually writing an interesting story of 300 to 500 words requires a little more discipline.  For most people remembering to stop day to day work, to try and come up with a different artical idea every month or even every week is really time consuming and quite taxing.  Add in that real world time pressures of business, bookwork, partners and children an it seems like all your time is gone, but that fact is like any other form of housekeeping this is something you must do.

One of the techniques that I use is to create a calendar and sit down quietly by myself and come up with half a 10-15 ideas and then ad in the different holiday or events Christmas Easter et cetera and then start putting marks on the calendar wher each headline would work best, Now look at what gaps are left.  When you approach it this way it's not as hard as it first seemsto come up with a post a month or even to
OK you've actually planned your headlines, try adding a few subheadings, or even an outline, it's much easier to finish, you might even be able to sub it out to somebody like me (BlueCrystal Creative, yep that's our plug)

If you can manage to at least build your frame work of headings, subheadings and news story ideas, then the next time you have a quiet day year right guess what you could do that if it was a quiet day you could probably knock over two or three of them and set them up automatically.  If you're using a Blog, WordPress or CMS that allows you to set go live dates, that publish automatically you can even get that post to feed Facebook and Twitter.  So get your web updates plan worked ona start writing.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog
I'm Peter Fitzgerald, Owner of Bluecrystal creative
we're a Brisbane Graphics, Advertising and Marketing Support company for small business
with my key strengths being Graphic Design and Video Production

Please feel free to give me a call on 0418 752 103
or visit

Beenleigh - Australia