Wednesday 10 November 2010

Finding your Head Space Shift

I sit at my computer to start work and dive right in, large complex jobs requiring complete concentration for hours on end, I've mentioned before "head space shift" (my term) that when moving from Left-Right brain (creative to analytical) or vice versa that you experience a confusion or disorientation and it often takes a moment to compose myself. For me this all so happens on the larger scale, a day or days spent in the wrong side of my head (business/numbers) can make the music hard to find.

After a big day I was finding it difficult to find the music in me, not just to hear the notes or the correct pitch, but also to find the inner musical connection, to close my eyes and feel it, something that is not normally a problem for me.

I think that most people have a problem balancing the different areas of there lives, I wonder if guidance councilors and employment profilers and other people that work out whether your suited for a peculiar type of job, have ever stopped and looked at whether that job is good for as a "whole of life" thing you example; If you are a cut and dry high pressure lawyer where everything is about seeking the best advantage, would that make a personal relationship harder, would you bring these skills into your relationship with your partner or If you were in a structured and attention to detail occupation would that make the randomness of small kids harder to deal with.

What bigger price do we pay for our pay for our occupation, finding your head space shift.