Wednesday 17 November 2010


I am really getting tired of The Australian's daily NBN bashing, never in recent reading have I found anything remotely positive about the outcome/s for Australia or about building a better future, Australia is undeniably in need of a new and more internationally competitive operational model or indeed any better plan, manufacturing is all but dead, the industries for the future (it seems) are mining, tourism and a range of things that are almost entirely produced between our ears. 

The NBN or something similar will be the railways of the next generation and it should not be left to any commercial organisation that will inevitably say that’s it only worth cabling within 15k’s of major CBD’s and he rest of you can get stuffed.

(To me) The Australian's just sounds like Pauline Hanson, the occasional relevant point obscured by the babbling of someone that is not capable of putting together a better argument, If I didn’t know better one could easily assume that (a) Everyone at the Australian is over 60, and deeply regrets the loss of carrier pigeon, (b) Good news might be true but doesn't sell newspapers or (c) Rupert has a network of his own down the pipeline.  

I would like you to be “The Australian” I remember, not the un-Australian you’ve become.