Friday 21 January 2011


For me the part about song writing that I found most unsettling in the beginning was the exposure. If nothing else song writing can leave you totaly naked, revealing your heart, soul, emotions, showing your innermost thoughts to the world, it can the most difficult for you and often upset any other people involved.

For me one of major issues was, as I was just another speck of dust in the cosmos what right did I have to expose to the world or so much of the private life of my partner, family & friends anyone and everyone I've ever included in a song and even worse It's only FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, normally with no right of reply.
The writer Thoreau once said that every writer's duty was to give "first and last, a simple and sincere account of their own life."
Taking that thought further, I would think that it is imposable to write sincerely from any other perspective than your own, even if you are putting yourself in to someone else's shoes, you would still see things from your perspective